Transport Coloring Pages
Transport coloring pages gives your children the opportunity to practice their coloring and fine motor skills. Take a look at our huge range of designs, from cool motorcycle coloring pages to dump trucks, giant tiers, farm tractors, and many more!
7 Fun Facts about Transports
Here are some fun and interesting facts about transports that you might enjoy:

- Hot Air Balloons: Hot air balloons were one of the first forms of human flight. They work by heating the air inside the balloon, making it rise. The first passengers were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster!
- Traffic Lights: The first traffic light was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1914. It had only red and green lights. The yellow light was added later to give drivers a warning.
- Space Shuttles: The Space Shuttle is like a space truck. It can carry astronauts and cargo into space and return safely to Earth. The Space Shuttle program flew its first mission in 1981.
- Submarines: Submarines can travel underwater, and some can stay submerged for months. They use periscopes to see above the water while staying hidden below.
- Steam Trains: In the past, steam locomotives powered trains. They made a “choo-choo” sound, and the steam came out of a big stack on the front. They were essential for long-distance travel in the 19th century.
- Electric Cars: Electric cars are powered by electricity, not gasoline. They’re better for the environment because they don’t produce exhaust fumes. The first electric car was made in the 1820s!
- Jet Engines: Jet engines are like powerful air fans. They push the plane forward with great force. They make modern airplanes fast and efficient.